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曹东义 发表于:5 天前 复制链接 发表新帖
! R7 r0 h4 V+ o+ g[链接]曹东义教授的临床特色与中医智慧的现代诠释
1 f4 b! i8 `+ f) `6 ]! t- M
* ~. J/ J$ {% p/ x( a4 r( A, e# ]梁世杰【弘杰】:
- f. U  `  G$ R9 z& R[链接]六合辨证思维:曹东义教授对经方理论的深度探索与创新
" `: o& p7 F& w
/ k$ w8 L" ?! U9 U' `8 r曹东义,河北省中医药科学院:) F. K$ L( X. h- E5 G0 ^
谢谢* \/ ]" g5 i, L6 a9 [! z
5 Y) Q3 W: Y* U: q# m
梁世杰【弘杰】:2 d- B- n- C* r. X+ W( [
[不客气]7 `  [- z0 t/ Q& a6 N" O0 k

% T( ?0 x! T# {  N梁世杰【弘杰】:
  C- |) p! f" N* a向您学习8 O; F! i8 [/ m& n2 M

: d. ^/ Q1 {7 X& w: k' M3 Y/ X曹东义,河北省中医药科学院:: B% U/ E8 h  x/ X. }6 @5 w' L. f
0 C5 y2 Q/ i% [
' ^- B1 b* M# l% j曹东义,河北省中医药科学院:) T6 y7 o5 [$ Y/ |( A0 T" G
# O! E0 Y2 W9 s' ?  ^7 T% x( o/ X& S4 u. G1 X- O! j
: G+ f1 j5 X! ~, q9 J8 [$ b; h把脉中医现状,有四大弊病,积重难返,复兴中医任重道远。
& V, C% c+ M4 Y: E$ @
6 h# S  h1 B7 d理论不自信,5 }/ B& f; G7 l2 Y- t* O
疗效不自强,; b* q. p6 q) H. x' ~
$ h9 q% S# L' `9 f体系不自立。
7 _: D: U6 r1 {* i% S8 b- J7 i. K" @
# b1 V2 m4 X$ S3 `- G7 c$ N! f2 R" _4 G9 P
0 \% w, `# C+ s- e' x: q+ c2 Q8 h3 E. D* m8 n7 a
病根没看清,没有共识,看不出未来的方向。大多数中医人不关心中医命运,只满足“衣食医”的水平,距离“传道医”非常遥远。* T; @. Q9 d- D  ?5 I
5 _1 R& f! v  K. L" c- P
, I4 \$ _; h! Q8 Y  l, b2 {只看明物质之“有”,看不到天地万物有生于“无”。" A1 j( z. h9 h* n# s

; L: H8 h& G$ g" d* c  N东方医学“以无为本”,重视“有无相生”,研究明物质与暗物质,研究生成(包容构成),关系(包容结构),状态(包容形态),多元(包容单一),转化(包容对抗),稳态(包容极限),向内求(包容拯救),治疗手段崇尚自然“杂合以治”“心身同调”等优秀特质,需要“重新认识”,进行“中医先进性教育”,改变自己和社会的认识,才能拿到“打开中华文明宝库的钥匙”,为健康中国,造福世界,贡献力量。& a- a( x2 s  o) B, m- p/ H
: y3 W1 a( j% w! i; l  o" j
- i* Y9 i# ]9 h: H! K$ a# X$ a5 J# T3 M' w% A7 R
, i3 q& \2 H2 H& J8 F这些认识,伤了不少人,但是不这样提出问题,就难于突破阻碍,不利于中医药事业做大做强。- \' i5 g  z% T% A8 Q! Y
- z! r. u. x8 B7 X
曹东义,河北省中医药科学院:% O0 O6 `# t' G9 x9 |2 _3 R7 @
[链接]#《岐黄使者—仲景村走来中医名家曹东义》访谈录-视频合集 | 医林讲堂
3 b  r9 _) e. S7 @% F, V4 [% k+ C6 ^6 h
- }" r; A3 p: v0 Y) r- D曹老师太客气了!% y; K% E( s" ?7 q0 F

* S2 b( L  o8 D+ @! `- W& h: |' R梁世杰【弘杰】:+ g' H) y0 b! n5 v/ E6 O( Z
& D) g, x2 }2 \- \3 a5 j. x& `0 h+ {: j, r3 O
( n7 V. r! y  [9 Q7 l受教了!我得好好向您学习
; f  m4 w# d- q1 y
. h' J  U+ m0 \! D/ d' |! A曹东义,河北省中医药科学院:
( S# E4 D- _( p% D) m8 R& k4 ~9 ~4 P你正是创新,甚至是开宗立派的好时候,只有学术引领,技术支撑,各界给力,大众欢迎,才能逐渐走向复兴。时代不允许我们躺平。; Q0 `8 X: h& U/ y- J3 u  Q8 `
* _) K3 i# h/ ]' b( P3 Z

8 _* B/ L# @  a2 c$ P! b: ~


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曹东义 发表于 5 天前 | 阅读全部
2 b  r3 x& l5 [9 H2 Y梁世杰科研团队 厚德为怀
  O# B/ H& T. n/ v7 ]9 d 2024年12月21日 10:18 河北
3 i3 Y2 R5 g+ A' j+ t+ I% w图片
1 p+ M4 K$ D: ?- L" M9 }在当今这个中西医并存的时代,中医作为一门古老而深邃的医学体系,面临着前所未有的挑战与机遇。曹东义教授,作为中医领域的杰出代表,以其独特的临床特色和深刻的理论见解,为中医的传承与发展注入了新的活力。本文梁世杰科研团队旨在探讨曹东义教授的临床特色,并借助其观点,对中医的智慧进行现代诠释。
  k! P+ u3 H& J* ~& o  j+ O. }* o0 a6 Q9 ]" L- B' e9 l: N. F% e, K& |
! H( h  @  t2 r/ J8 I: i中医与西医,两者虽同为医学,但理论基础与诊疗方法却大相径庭。曹东义教授指出,中医是一种生成论的医学,强调生命与环境的紧密联系,以及“时空化”的哲学智慧。在中医看来,生命并非孤立存在,而是与天地万物相互感应、相互依存。这种“以无为本”的哲学思想,并非指真空或虚无,而是指那些看不见、摸不着,但确实存在的暗物质、暗能量。正如道家所言,“有生于无,无生于有”,中医正是通过这种“无”来洞察生命的本质与规律。
& K7 d& Z/ v, b& G' X( U/ b' f4 p* g8 ^& s7 y& v: e+ D
3 a' P; q0 z! O3 |0 ^4 Y& S/ P/ w+ W  i4 S. G
4 D( E& a6 G1 N6 r& z这一观点在克隆技术、基因序列检测等现代科技中得到了验证。克隆羊、克隆牛的成功,以及基因序列检测技术的成熟,都表明所有体细胞都存在“细胞核的同质化”,即细胞核是一个“全息胚”,与全能干细胞一样具有全能性。这一发现揭示了生命结构的复杂性与多样性,也进一步证明了“结构决定功能”这一理论的局限性。
) }( e" U$ Z+ Y8 ]1 U) D. P! v* D* f! f. t, e
* _" [6 a) i* ^  W' L
7 _( B5 O3 n! g4 {例如,在中医临床中,对于同一症状的患者,可能会因体质、环境、情绪等因素的不同而采用不同的治疗方法。如对于失眠患者,中医会根据其病因病机,分别采用养心安神、疏肝解郁、健脾和胃等不同的治疗方法。这种“活法巧治”的诊疗方式,正是中医智慧的体现。6 u9 W( v; ^8 c) G
' C+ z0 C- U6 U4 W' n
图片! X" o+ I! C. p0 N
5 c5 b6 F  f% @/ D1 v2 k! s( t& M3 W1 R$ @  p
作者简介:梁世杰中医高年资主治医师,从事中医临床工作24年,积累了较丰富的临床经验。师从首都医科大学附属北京中医院肝病科主任医师、著名老中医陈勇,侍诊多载,深得器重,尽得真传!擅用“商汤经方分类疗法”、专病专方结合“焦树德学术思想”“关幼波十纲辨证”学术思想治疗疑难杂症为特色。现任北京厚德为怀医生集团渐冻症研究中心主任,北京树德堂中医研究院研究员,北京中医药薪火传承新3+3工程—焦树德门人(陈勇)传承工作站研究员,国际易联易学与养生专委会常务理事,中国中医药研究促进会焦树德学术传承专业委员会委员,中国药文化研究会中医药慢病防治分会首批癌症领域入库专家。荣获2020年中国中医药研究促进会仲景医学分会举办的第八届医圣仲景南阳论坛“经方名医”荣誉称号。2023年首届京津冀“扁鹊杯”燕赵医学研究主题征文优秀奖获得者。7 W9 O5 S, v, q$ A

+ m9 |0 a& A+ y, Z% b% c" |图片
% i2 J/ q2 f8 z5 q. v: |7 e5 e: q图片/ n% X5 J  f# F$ m
; h* o# Y& i' r# \: `图片0 W$ z; b) U. p4 P, R
' R7 f* S- K% \6 F
图片! l- u- E, P6 ?( O! a7 [- e
图片( e" a0 a. ?4 u- y

" ]' D8 C  j4 I* y/ u+ L. |, ]) B7 u  V' D4 s9 @8 v1 O# ~
Professor Cao Dongyi's Clinical Specialities and Modern Interpretation of Chinese Medicine Wisdom
% w  \2 G0 Y2 q0 W; b* e! ?1 N( s+ W5 W* Z$ S
In today's era of the coexistence of Chinese and Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, as an ancient and deep medical system, faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Professor Cao Dongyi, as an outstanding representative in the field of Chinese medicine, has injected new vitality into the inheritance and development of Chinese medicine with his unique clinical features and deep theoretical insights. In this paper, Liang Shijie's research team aims to explore Professor Cao Dongyi's clinical features and use his perspective to present a modern interpretation of the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine.7 \5 l7 B1 A& W7 \, C# v
: k3 W7 ]2 T$ @) D' [2 y
Although both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine are medicine, the theoretical basis and the diagnosis and treatment methods are very different. Professor Cao Dongyi pointed out that TCM is a generational medicine that emphasizes the close connection between life and the environment, as well as the philosophical wisdom of "space-time." In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, life does not exist in isolation, but interacts with and depends on everything in the heavens and the earth. This philosophy "based on nothing" does not refer to vacuum or nothingness, but to dark matter and dark energy that are invisible and untouchable, but do exist. As Taoism says, "One is born of nothing, nothing is born of something," and it is through this "nothing" that traditional Chinese medicine can gain insight into the nature and laws of life./ m1 Y7 O8 b% V. C. y% b, D, _

& r2 [; M8 |  d' {+ h0 O2 F9 m, AWestern medicine, by contrast, is compositional medicine, which holds that "structure determines function." When studying the structure of life, Western medicine often excludes elements outside the structure, such as space-time, heaven and earth, and everything. This "what is essential" way of thinking makes Western medicine have certain limitations when it comes to analyzing life phenomena. Professor Cao Dongyi emphasized that the structure of life is not stable and unchanging, but rather a dynamically changing network regulatory system. The existence of a cell requires complex supporting conditions in the internal environment, and once these conditions are out of balance, the cell will die or degenerate necrosis. Thus, life is an unstable mesh structure supported by living cells, rather than a standalone stable structure.' ^: X/ z& G& v. U0 P2 t+ p

3 t7 ]$ o8 c! WThis view has been validated in modern technologies such as cloning technology and genetic sequence testing. The success of cloning sheep and cattle, as well as the maturity of gene sequence detection technology, all indicate that all somatic cells have "homogeneous nucleus," that is, the nucleus is a "holographic embryo," which has the same totipotential as totipotential stem cells. This discovery reveals the complexity and diversity of life's structures and further demonstrates the limitations of the theory that structure determines function.
4 z4 W& @0 I: g7 O* w: o- f
$ ^' I' ~& [4 B( V+ i4 g4 S8 s8 dBased on the above understanding, Professor Cao Dongyi proposed the proposition that "break out of Western medical diseases and besiege a city, so that Chinese medicine can stand on its own." In his opinion, the name of illness in Chinese medicine emphasizes the transitory and transformable nature of illness, while the name of illness in Western medicine emphasizes the principle of exclusiveness and permanence. Therefore, in the course of diagnosis and treatment, traditional Chinese medicine cannot simply apply the medical names of Western medicine to form treatments. The name of a disease in Chinese medicine is "based on nothing," and the name was "established" to "break," that is, to break the fetters of disease and restore the harmony and balance of life through a variety of methods such as dialectical treatment, treatment before the disease, joint treatment of the form and the spirit, and combination treatment.2 l5 v/ `/ E2 d6 H; p
1 J& d5 D  t: Q8 ^% _5 U
For example, in traditional Chinese medicine, patients with the same symptoms may be treated differently depending on their physical condition, environment, mood and other factors. For insomnia patients, according to the cause and mechanism of the disease, traditional Chinese medicine will adopt different treatment methods such as heart maintenance, liver maintenance and depression, spleen maintenance and stomach maintenance. This "living method" of diagnosis and treatment is the embodiment of the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine.
) w5 I+ d+ m- Z) G- L
" l6 o( \- G6 M: DIn conclusion, the Liang Shijie research team believes that Professor Cao Dongyi's clinical characteristics are not only reflected in his superb medical technique, but also in his deep understanding and modern interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine. By comparing the differences between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, he reveals the complexity and diversity of life structure and the unique advantages of traditional Chinese Medicine in the healing process. Under the guidance of Professor Cao Dongyi, we have reason to believe that the ancient and deep medical system of traditional Chinese medicine will shine even brighter in the new era." J: x- d0 L  d$ k  F

5 v4 d2 [5 E1 ]  Q, w# PAuthor Bio: Liang Shijie is a senior medical practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. He has been engaged in traditional medicine clinical work for 24 years and has accumulated a wealth of clinical experience. Following Chen Yong, chief physician of liver disease at Beijing Traditional Medicine Hospital, affiliated with Capital Medical University, and renowned old Chinese medicine, he has been treated for many years and received great attention. He specializes in the treatment of difficult diseases using "conversational traditional therapy" and special treatments combined with the academic ideas of Jiao Shude and Guan Yubo's ten-level diagnosis.He is currently the director of the Center for Diffusion Research of Dr. Houde Wei Group in Beijing, a researcher at the Shude Tang Institute of Chinese Medicine, and a fellow at the new 3 + 3 project of traditional Chinese medicine flame inheritance in Beijing - a scholar at the inheritance work station of Jiao Shude's protégés (Chen Yong),He is a standing committee member of the International Expert Committee on E-learning and Health Care, a member of the Jiao Shude Academic Heritage Special Committee of the Chinese Association for the Advancement of Chinese Medicine Research, and the first cancer specialist to be included in the chapter of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Culture Research Association. Won the 2020 China Association for the Promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhongjing Medical Branch held the eighth session of the Medical Saint Zhongjing Nanyang Forum "Classic Prescription Famous Doctor" honorary title. The winner of the first Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei "Pingui Cup" Yanzhao Medical Research Essay Award in 2023.
/ ?9 V9 I5 N. P' s  J" j0 O
+ e5 O, r' W% [) b+ b4 r阅读 17( h0 @3 y& f: H' P' T; U0 G

/ t! j/ T6 @4 j/ a& Q​- P) @0 n, T( D$ b  h$ x. j$ f
4 R3 g& ]' U  S" u2 x
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曹东义 发表于 5 天前 | 阅读全部
六合辨证思维:曹东义教授对经方理论的深度探索与创新6 \: [% ^9 E2 y
原创 梁世杰科研团队 首都专家梁世杰
8 p8 l* e2 U9 S* a+ _2 @: y 2024年12月28日 06:30 河北! D  S4 ^, t, r9 }( d- |# n
  R  g* p  `  ^/ g/ \6 q在中医的浩瀚学海中,曹东义教授以其深厚的学术功底和独到的见解,为经方理论注入了新的活力。他对于经方的理解,不仅超越了传统的“方证对应”模式,更提出了“懂源流、知体系、会妙用”的深刻见解。其中,他对六合辨证与六经辨证的阐述,更是为中医临床提供了一种全新的视角和方法。
5 |8 Z) _, g( W. n3 G) {8 X5 x
' Z6 P- p( m, Z, J  b4 F; H% N图片( c2 A% U6 s$ g. i4 I2 e# a, o
- J2 `% P; k0 r! x" B4 e0 f* I2 k6 q" H9 ]9 g
与六合辨证相对应的是张仲景的六经辨证体系。这一体系在东汉末年集大成,成为中医临床的重要指导。然而,曹东义教授指出,六合辨证的模式并未因此消失,而是淡出了人们的视野。在今天,重提六合辨证,不仅是为了与时俱进,发展中医学术,更是为了对中医经方理论与临床进行回本溯源,探索更为深刻的医学智慧。" S2 C; |( \+ e! T" d( G

- P8 ^7 Q' n' c图片
2 b) q& o8 }* O, y, f7 L在曹东义教授看来,六合辨证与六经辨证并非孤立存在,而是相互关联、相互补充的。他主张“六合辨证立规矩,六经辨证讲权衡”,即六合辨证为中医临床提供了基本框架和规矩,而六经辨证则在这个框架内进行权衡和调整。这种思想不仅体现了中医的整体观和辩证法,也为中医临床提供了更为灵活和有效的治疗方法。
+ c( L$ O! g2 }+ q9 C2 D. N) P1 n
为了更好地阐述这一思想,曹东义教授以《内经》、《汤液经》、《难经》等经典著作为例,分析了六合辨证的萌芽和发展。他指出,从这些经典著作中都可以看到六合辨证的影子,只是张仲景在东汉末年集大成了六经辨证体系,使得六合辨证的模式淡出了人们的视野。然而,这并不意味着六合辨证失去了其价值和意义。相反,在今天这个多元化的时代,重提六合辨证,更有助于我们深入理解和运用中医理论,为临床提供更为有效的治疗方案。2 k: B6 @# o' c& Z6 ~* p4 }

( n$ y  h. |0 e9 E' H梁世杰主任提出的“商汤经方分类疗”法正是在“汤液经法二十四神方”、曹东义教授倡导的上古“六合辨证思维”启发下,依据外感内伤的不同进行二次分类,从而实现对中医经方理论与临床的回本溯源与二次创新。从而践行上古“六合思维”在中医临床中的具体应用。在上古“六合辨证思维”引领下的“商汤经方分类疗法”不仅提高了临床治疗的针对性和有效性,也进一步证明了“六合辨证思维”在中医临床中的重要价值和重大意义。, u+ C4 }& s. y, P- P, d  L! w* W
' s% t/ v" |; N$ Z
图片. U7 o3 @, _# _% M. Q+ h  F9 U# `
在曹东义教授的笔下,六合辨证不再是一个抽象的概念,而是一个充满生机和活力的理论体系。它像一把钥匙,打开了中医临床的宝库,让我们能够更深入地理解和运用中医理论,为人类的健康事业贡献更多的智慧和力量。同时,曹东义教授的探索和创新也为我们提供了一个启示:在中医的发展道路上,我们需要不断回归经典、挖掘传统智慧,同时也需要与时俱进、开拓创新,才能不断推动中医学术的发展和进步。& {0 I! U: h& m9 \: V) a
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/ b6 S6 _6 X6 k8 ^& {$ P6 j作者简介:梁世杰 中医高年资主治医师,从事中医临床工作24年,积累了较丰富的临床经验。师从首都医科大学附属北京中医院肝病科主任医师、著名老中医陈勇,侍诊多载,深得器重,尽得真传!擅用“商汤经方分类疗法”、专病专方结合“焦树德学术思想”“关幼波十纲辨证”学术思想治疗疑难杂症为特色。现任北京厚德为怀医生集团渐冻症研究中心主任,北京树德堂中医研究院研究员,北京中医药薪火传承新3+3工程—焦树德门人(陈勇)传承工作站研究员,国际易联易学与养生专委会常务理事,中国中医药研究促进会焦树德学术传承专业委员会委员,中国药文化研究会中医药慢病防治分会首批癌症领域入库专家。荣获2020年中国中医药研究促进会仲景医学分会举办的第八届医圣仲景南阳论坛“经方名医”荣誉称号。2023年首届京津冀“扁鹊杯”燕赵医学研究主题征文优秀奖获得者。" z/ e4 |5 {& `% G
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9 `3 |6 ^0 [; m! f# s9 [Six Harmonies Diagnosis Thinking: Professor Cao Dongyi's Deep Exploration and Innovation of the Theory of Classical Prescriptions) f: R1 ?' j1 q) T) B1 P$ u
6 B" D$ s7 K3 Z
In the vast ocean of Chinese medicine, Professor Cao Dongyi has injected new vitality into the theory of Jingfang with his profound academic foundation and unique insights, His understanding of Jingfang has not only surpassed the traditional "form-symptom correspondence" model, but also proposed a profound insight of "understanding the source, knowing the system, and being able to use it skillfully". Among them, his elaboration of the six-way diagnosis and the six-way diagnosis has provided a new perspective and method for the clinical practice of Chinese medicine.2 g4 H. X" M( }# v
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Professor Cao Dongyi believes that the Six Harmonies Diagnosis and the Six Paths Diagnosis are two important diagnostic systems in traditional Chinese medicine. The Six Harmonies Diagnosis, which originates from the He Tu and Luo Shu, is an important embodiment of the thought of the relationship between heaven and man. It covers multiple elements such as time and space, holism, nature, generation, and symbolism, and these elements are closely combined to form a complete theoretical system. In this system, the front, back, left, right, and top and bottom (i.e., the left is the Azure Dragon and the right is the White Tiger, the front is the Red Phoenix and the back is the Black Tortoise, and the middle is the Yellow Earth) form the basic framework of the Six Harmonies, and time and space become the boundaries of this framework, while changes occur continuously within this framework.
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0 F  q) w, n1 u! _! J( c/ Q) l3 gCorresponding to the Six Harmonies Diagnosis is Zhang Zhongjing's Six Pathway Diagnosis system, which was completed in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and became an important guide for clinical practice in traditional Chinese medicine; however, Professor Cao Dongyi pointed out that the model of the Six Harmonies Diagnosis has not disappeared, but has faded from people's view; today, the re-proposal of the Six Harmonies Diagnosis is not only to keep pace with the times and develop the academic of traditional Chinese medicine, but also to return to the source of the theory and clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine, and explore more profound medical wisdom.' i- a* u3 C9 R! P3 i
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In the view of Professor Cao Dongyi, the six-liu syndrome differentiation and the six-jing syndrome differentiation are not isolated, but are interrelated and complementary, he advocates that "the six-liu syndrome differentiation establishes rules, and the six-jing syndrome differentiation discusses balance", that is, the six-liu syndrome provides the basic framework and rules for the clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine, while the six-jing syndrome adjusts and balances within this framework, this idea not only reflects the holistic view and dialectics of traditional Chinese medicine, but also provides more flexible and effective treatment methods for the clinical practice of traditional Chinese Medicine./ ~& R4 K+ ]# D2 `
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In order to better expound this idea, Professor Cao Dongyi took the classics such as the "Neijing", "Tangyejing", and "Nanjing" as examples, and analyzed the budding and development of the six-heaven syndrome. He pointed out that the shadow of the six-heaven syndrome can be seen in these classic works, but Zhang Zhongjing completed the six-heaven syndrome system in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, making the model of the six-heaven syndrome fade from people's sight. However, this does not mean that the six-heaven syndrome has lost its value and significance. On the contrary, in today's pluralistic era, raising the six-heaven syndrome will help us better understand and apply the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and provide more effective treatment plans for clinical practice.
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3 w# V  A$ O8 K, K! T* WThe method of "Shuanglang Jingfang Classification Therapy" proposed by Director Liang Shijie is based on the inspiration of the "Shuangye Jingfa Twenty-Four Divine Formulas" advocated by Professor Cao Dongyi and the ancient "Six-in-One Diagnosis Thinking", and is classified according to the different types of external and internal injuries, so as to realize the return to the source and secondary innovation of the theory and clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine Jingfang, thus practicing the concrete application of the ancient "Six-in-one Thinking" in the clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine. The "Shuanglang Jingfang Classification Treatment" under the guidance of the ancient "Six-in -One Diagnosis Thinking" not only improves the targetedness and effectiveness of clinical treatment, but also further proves the important value and significance of the "Six-in-One Diag-nosis Thinking" in the clinical practice of Chinese medicine.! y+ J& _& x4 C
  z# k) g! q7 Q7 L+ M
In Professor Cao Dongyi's words, the Six Harmonies Diagnosis is no longer an abstract concept, but a vibrant and dynamic theoretical system; it is like a key that opens the treasure house of clinical Chinese medicine, allowing us to understand and apply Chinese medicine theory more deeply and contribute more wisdom and strength to the cause of human health; at the same time, Professor Cao Dongyi's exploration and innovation also provide us with an inspiration: on the road of the development of Chinese medicine, we need to constantly return to the classics, excavate traditional wisdom, and also need to keep pace with the times, innovate and create, so as to continuously promote the development and progress of Chinese medicine.
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9 r# h" B. t. q! ?- F2 vReference: Cao Dongyi, a famous old doctor, has been practicing medicine for 50 years, and there is no end to the sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and spiciness.
2 P) ?  C$ M( U" \, M5 q
  n) S: T2 x% {9 u- `& w. RAuthor Bio: Liang Shijie is a senior medical practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. He has been engaged in traditional medicine clinical work for 24 years and has accumulated a wealth of clinical experience. Following Chen Yong, chief physician of liver disease at Beijing Traditional Medicine Hospital, affiliated with Capital Medical University, and renowned old Chinese medicine, he has been treated for many years and received great attention. He specializes in the treatment of difficult diseases using "conversational traditional therapy" and special treatments combined with the academic ideas of Jiao Shude and Guan Yubo's ten-level diagnosis.He is currently the director of the Center for Diffusion Research of Dr. Houde Wei Group in Beijing, a researcher at the Shude Tang Institute of Chinese Medicine, and a fellow at the new 3 + 3 project of traditional Chinese medicine flame inheritance in Beijing - a scholar at the inheritance work station of Jiao Shude's protégés (Chen Yong),He is a standing committee member of the International Expert Committee on E-learning and Health Care, a member of the Jiao Shude Academic Heritage Special Committee of the Chinese Association for the Advancement of Chinese Medicine Research, and the first cancer specialist to be included in the chapter of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Culture Research Association. Won the 2020 China Association for the Promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhongjing Medical Branch held the eighth session of the Medical Saint Zhongjing Nanyang Forum "Classic Prescription Famous Doctor" honorary title. The winner of the first Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei "Pingui Cup" Yanzhao Medical Research Essay Award in 2023.
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# Z7 V6 c' e! t5 l阅读 985 [7 A* d1 o0 P' y8 l2 l

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% i9 R. c- K' Y0 B" ^! X写留言
2 b( [. ^, L: n留言% a! b  e6 N# \: {7 n9 U$ c
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7 \# t9 H: U/ B- e7 n% ~3 N广东% V* C, L& e( d; H8 O8 z2 n6 q5 b
; Z- k0 T8 v* F" u5 a感谢梁世杰教授对于“六合辨证”的认同和鼓励!中医药发展的历史过程,复杂而深刻,有很多影响因素,我们知常达变,就能揭示其发展规律,不至于思维混乱,从而做到理论自信促进疗效自强,传承自觉助力体系自立,道术并重复兴中医。
  A$ |% |. Q% J未精选,仅作者可见% J, c8 t( C6 g2 _% O! X
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